Health and Safety

Our focus on health and safety is driven by our moral belief that we have a duty of care. For the OCS Group, health and safety is about developing and implementing systems and practices that make our activities and processes safer and delivered to a higher standard. Our regimes are in place to make people’s working lives better, not just to satisfy legal requirements. Health and safety is paramount in all of our operations across the globe, embedded in our culture and led from the very top of the organisation.

Best Practice

The sharing of best practice and the principle of continuous improvement are central to our management philosophy and drive our worldwide commitment to making our activities safe for our employees, our customers and the communities in which we work. 

Our innovative approach has seen two significant developments during the past 12 months; the development of an integrated management system covering safety, quality and the environment and the adoption of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents' quality safety audit.

We have also gained accreditation to the Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme in the UK.


OCS does not employ 'health and safety managers' as we firmly believe it is the responsibility of all management to manage health and safety. As such, our directors – led by a board level health and safety champion – are actively and visibly engaged in leading health and safety adherence.

Health and safety advice is provided by a team of qualified in-house health and safety advisors who report independently of operational management to ensure there is no conflict of interest between safety and productivity.

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